Free well water test and replacement water*
*if well test is over 10mg/L as N in Nitrate.
The free well water test and free replacement water* is part of a state regulated program aimed at providing clean drinking water for wells impacted by nitrates.
Attention Public Water System Providers!
If you missed our discussion about plans for facilitating long term drinking water solutions, click HERE to view the Zoom recording.

What is the Chowchilla Management Zone?
The Chowchilla Management Zone is made up of local stakeholders from agriculture, including irrigated cropland, poultry facilities, dairies and publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities, and businesses including food processors, wineries and others that have permits to discharge nitrates.
What does the Management Zone do?
Identify areas of the Chowchilla Management Zone where nitrates are high.
Do I reside in the Chowchilla Management Zone?
Click to see if you live in the Chowchilla Management Zone.
What is Nitrate?
Nitrate is a chemical found in most fertilizers, manure, and septic tanks.

The Goals of the Nitrate Control Program
Get your well water tested
Management Zone will contact you after confirming you
live in the management zone.